Monday, May 27, 2013

Here and Now (fighting slumber)

I close my eyes, and you're there. Even better than in the flesh it would seem. In the here in now, nothing good seems to come easy. Everything is a struggle in some way shape or form. The square pegs don't fit the round hole. When I'm with you, I feel at peace. The weight of my world is off my back. In you, I find solace. Safe harbor rests on your lips. A calm nestled in your voice.

I close my eyes and we're functional as functional as can be. No sorrows nor anger. No resentment nor duplicity. The general boring mundane things we overlook and take for granted are not done that way when I close my eyes. Every moment matters. Every word counts. Every action is a chorus of magisterial beauty. All the obstacles that we place in front of ourselves have been removed. The shields are down. The defenses lax. In you, I find rest. I find contentment in your arms. We're good for each other when I close my eyes. No worries or fears. We compliment each other admirably.

I close my eyes and I smell the detergent in your bed sheets. The muted fragrance of a candle lit. The incandescent glow of a cell phone turned on. Sounds from the outside rise and ebb like the tide. These feelings, sights and sounds are with me as I close my eyes here and now.

Here and now things work. No harm, no troubles. Peace. The way I feel in a parallel world things would work. Me at my most romantic and you at your most receptive. I close my eyes and can hear your breathing calm and relaxed. The longing to repeat these moments rise. I wake and have to get a drink of water. I feel like I'm rambling. This doesn't quite make sense, but then, some of the best things we experience in life don't make sense at all.

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