Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 Things You Don't Know About Me

I decided to post some random facts that not a whole lot of people know. I hope you enjoy.

In no particular order....

1) I enjoy almost all food for the exception of fish sticks and raisins. Especially raisins. If I come across as a pest to you in public, all you have to do in response is hold up a box of sun dried finest and I go cowering as if I were a vampire subjected to a crucifix.

2) I can't handle as much liquor as I was used to not to long ago. Seeing a friend die off young from alcohol related issues can jar you into how short this life is. The appeal definitely lost it's luster as I bore witness to an urn of his ashes February 2008. A major buzz kill.

3) For some reason, if there's an insect with wings and a stinger, I'm looking for an exit. I had a morbid fascination with swarms of bees on nature programs as a kid as well as the old creature features from the 70's, and was repelled at the same time. It's kind of like a car wreck you drive upon. It's ghastly and uncomfortable to see, but you can't stop looking. My overactive imagination also played out the craziest scenarios as a kid where a swarm of bees would attack en mass a whole populace.  This causes me to twitch if I see a bee, wasp, or bumblebee. I think I will be getting stung.

4) I was once a struggling copywriter 13 years ago. I got to read movie scripts and come up with lines you could fit on one sheets, bus lines, park benches, etc. It was a fun job, but this being the early 21st century and being on dial up with money problems stunted that growth after a while. I often wish I could find myself another open door in this field, or something similar to be creative and be paid for it.

5) I hate how my hands feel after washing them. That feel just makes me go blecch! I have to moisturize them as soon as I dry them.

6) Also, seeing stray hair in the sink or in the hairbrush invokes the same reaction.

7) Another fear I had as a kid was from Superman 3. I watched it at the theatre when I was like 9, and there was this bit where Robert Vaughn's sister fell into his massive super computer and her whole face was consumed with metal strands. That thing just bothered me to no end, and I ended up on the phone with my dad while he was at work at a radio station saying it was sex and violence when it was really something else completely.

8) I cannot stand to go outdoors barefoot, especially in the grass. The feeling the grass has against the soles of my feet make me cringe. I will actually stay indoors long enough to put on shoes before leaving, even if it's to get the newspaper.

Well, I think this should suffice for now. This should read more of dumb silly fears than things you don't know about me.

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